Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Lou at the Sage

June 14, 2006
My 2nd blog entry today!

Another day, another dollar... or another pound... or whatever.

So, today, I was actually in the office. I think I may have annoyed the SUMO team though. I started giving them pointers on font organization. They were gracious enough to humor me, but I honestly think if nothing else, I've put a small dent in their type management struggles. As far as REAL work goes, I had some more time with the Durham Literature Festival project. I ended up with a handful of ideas and executions, but there was one idea that Jim and Gav are both keen on, so it may develop into something much more interesting (Hopefully it will, because I'd really love to have some design work left behind to remind the SUMO folks that I've contributed.).

Around lunchtime, I stepped out with Gav to pick up some food, but I had to stop at some shops as well. You may ask, "Why now? Can't you go after work?" In return, I'd say, "No, I can't shop after work, because at 6pm, everything's CLOSED (said in the muffled Lloyd Bonafide phone voice... that only Phil Hendrie Show fans would recognize)!" Shops close at 6? Can you believe that? Wal-Mart would dominate in this place.

The work day continued – just the usual clatter of keyboard keys, the clicking of mouse buttons and casual conversation. But late in the day, Suzanne returned from some university lecturing and also a client meeting I think. Turns out, there were some hot-&-heavy changes necessary for an annual report that had to go to press Thursday. Snipes! SUMO actually hesitantly asked if I was any good at photo retouching (I suddenly had Hops and Don Pablo's flashbacks). Apparently there were some photos that needed an extra 2 or 3 inches added to them... pretty much faking the background. PPfffft! I could do it with my eyes closed. This pretty much lead to my first "late night" (ooohhh... 7:30... child's play). Unfortunately, Suzanne and Sarah had to work even later... while I joined Jim and Gav for a Lou Reed concert (yes, I felt bad).

... and we saw George Lucas on the way over. Wow!!

Ah yes, Lou Reed. I don't own any of his albums, and I'm a less-than-casual listener, but I still enjoyed the show. He played at this fantastic, fairly new venue called "The Sage Gateshead Music Centre." An inspirational new addition to the artsy, modern, contemporary side of Newcastle (the stuff you see on all the postcards). Here's a quick look at the venue before and after the show.

I forgot to mention a while ago, it gets dark between 10 and 11 pm. Odd... and enjoyable. Also, I haven't had the chance to sketch as much as I'd hoped. I'm usually busy during the day or out on the town (with no chance to stay still and draw). I'll try some later.

We stopped off for a drink after the show (of course), and that was that.

By the way, here are various nighttime shots of Newcastle i've neglected to include in any previous entries. Enjoy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad things are going well still. The 7.30 overtime IS laughable. I hear Michael has become the new 'Don Pablos' boy. Heh, heh. Lets see how HIS late nights are, with their deadlines.

Shops closing that early? probably a conspiracy- so you spend more time at a pub (or a Lou Reed show)

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any order that can be brought to our fonts is more than welcome!!!

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did someone say "snipes!" ????
No matter how far you travel, you cannot escape WC glory days.
Good Pics too by the way!

12:06 PM  
Blogger Justin Gammon said...

thanks! glad I can help with fonts. Also, thanks for the photo props. I found that most panoramic shots look pretty cool anyway.

and "snipes?" yeah, no one's gonna know what I'm talking about.

6:15 PM  

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